Wednesday, May 31, 2006


It has been a busy day here in office-land! Perhaps a longer post will come later tonight, but for now, I will leave you, faithful reader, with this short story:

As I was walking to work this morning, I passed a group of "thugs" sitting on the benches alongside the park. As I walked by, one of these fine young gentlemen said, "Oh sh*t, she has a hell of a butt!" Now, this young man said this quite loud, as I was blasting my ipod and still heard him. Isn't that swell of him? Boys are great. But who says "butt" anyway? I mean, when the lovely BF and his scumbag friends talk about girls, they are at least obscene enough to say ass.

Ironically, while this all was going on, I was listening to MY HUMPS.

Back to work!


At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey my friends aren't scumbags


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