Thursday, June 01, 2006

Could this day get any worse?

So I left work in a bad mood, hoping my lovely lunch at chipotle would cheer me up. As I am walking, maybe a block or two from work, I realize my shoe is a bit sticky. OBVIOUSLY, this is the first day I decided to keep my heals on instead of changing into my flip flops. I look down, and all over the bottom of my FAVORITE black pants is MOTHERTRUCKIN GUM. I really thought smoke was going to come out of my ears I was so mad. So now I have to pick someone else's gross dirty gum off my precious pants. I'm practically gagging, just thinking about the gross factor of this, and get very little off. So now I have to go the rest of the day with gum on my pants AND my cute black sandals.

People, please do not spit gum out on the sidewalk. I hope who ever did this, gets pooped on by a pigeon on their way to work tomorrow.

So to cheer myself up (because chipotle didn't) I bought new lip gloss, nailpolish, and HEATH BAR BITES. I am such a typical chick.


At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who knew that when you felt like a large balloon you were supposed to eat Chipotle and Heath Bars!!! haha.


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