Thursday, July 27, 2006

I've been flaunting the wrong assets this whole time!

Conversation I had today with Package Delivery Man in the Elevator:

Man: "You have beautiful feet!"
Me: "Uhhh thanks?"
{Man looks up to my face after staring at my feet intently}
Man: "AND your pretty too!"
Me: "..."
Man: "What a lucky guy, whoever has you!"
{Man gets off at his floor}

Sadly, this is the not the first time this has happened to me. There was a similar incident in Price Chopper in Troy during college. I would be okay with this, IF I did in fact have beautiful feet. Sadly, I have gross, ugly feet. They aren't even painted nicely today. And I was wearing flip flops, not some glamorous shoe that would make the ugliness less apparent.

I don't get it. James thinks its a pickup line. I think people are just crazy.


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