I wish I could buy me a spaceship and fly past the sky
I cannot describe my love of being close to the stage at concerts. It makes me feel so special. We could have been closer, but I'm not going to dwell on it (grumble, grumble). Anyway, we were about 15 feet from the stage and it was freaking AWESOME. The Nokia Theater is mad cool, I decided that I want to have my wedding reception there.
We finally got inside at about 8:30ish and DJ AM was spinning/playing/DJing. He was good but after awhile, standing around got old. Kanye was suppose to go on at 9 but didn't come out until 10:30, I think DJ AM was about out of songs to play.
So Kanye finally comes out and he opens with Diamonds are Forever. Now, we knew that John Legend and Pharrell were suppose to guest but I was so hoping for Jay-Z to come out and surprise us all (he didn't). Kanye did a few more songs and then they brought out a piano and BAM! John Legend, the love of my life came out and did 2 of his songs. And then Common came out and the 3 of them did some songs. Awesome. The 3 of them should go on tour, I would totally follow them around the country and be their groupie.
After John and Common left the stage, Kanye started talking to the crowd and played a few snippets of songs he's written/produced for other people. Then Pharrell came out. Now, I saw N.E.R.D. a few summers ago when them opened for DMB in Hartford and they weren't that good. But just Pharrell by himself, awesome. He is hot. And he definitely was checking out some girl in the front of the crowd and didn't stop looking at her the entire time he was on stage. It was hysterical.
So Kanye and Pharrell do some songs, Pharrell leaves, Kanye does a few more songs alone, and that was it. The whole concert was only an hour and a half long but it was definitely fabulous.
I was actually impressed with how good Kanye was live. I had heard/read that he was awful but for the amount of running around and dancing he did, he did a damn good job keeping up and not missing too many lines. And John Legend could play the same song over and over and over and I would still love him more than life. He is amazing. We saw him when he opened up for Alicia Keys last year, and as much as I love Alicia, I think he was the best part of the show (well, actually, the best part of the show was when Chrissie met Derek Jeter). Thankfully, John Legend is playing September 18th at the Bowery Ballroom and I'm going to buy my tickets today!
I love concerts! :-D
On a completely unrelated topic, I know the girl that this lyric was written about:
"At my arraignment, note for the plaintiff
Your daughter's tied up in a Brooklyn basement
Face it, not guilty, that's how I stay filthy"
LOL, I'm totally not kidding!
And here are some hot-ass pictures I took!